
The AWSClient and AsyncAWSClient implement low-level AWS clients. The clients provide only the mechanism for submitted signed HTTP requests to the AWS APIs and are generally meant to be used by service specific client API implementations.

class tornado_aws.client.AWSClient(service, profile=None, region=None, access_key=None, secret_key=None, endpoint=None)[source]

Implement a low level AWS client that performs the request signing required for AWS API requests.

AWSClient uses the same configuration method and environment variables as the AWS CLI. For configuration information visit the “Getting Set Up” section of the AWS Command Line Interface user guide.

When creating the AWSClient instance you need to specify the service that you will be interacting with. This value is used when signing the request headers and must match the service values as specified in the AWS General Reference documentation.

The AWS configuration profile can be set when creating the AWSClient instance or by setting the AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE environment variable. If neither are set, default will be used.

The AWS region is set by reading in configuration or by the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable. If neither or set, it will attempt to be set by invoking the EC2 Instance Metadata and user data API, if available.

The AWS access key can be set when creating a new instance. If it’s not passed in when creating the AWSClient, the client will attempt to get the key from the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable. If that is not set, it will attempt to get the key from the AWS CLI credentials file. The path to the credentials file can be overridden in the AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE environment variable. Note that a value set in AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID will only be used if there is an accompanying value in AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable.

Like the access key, the secret key can be set when creating a new client instance. The configuration logic matches the access key with the exception of the environment variable. The secret key can set in the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable.

If there is no local configuration or credentials, the client will attempt to load the information from the EC2 instance meta-data API, if it is available.

The endpoint argument is primarily used for testing and allows for the use of a specified base URL value instead of the auto-construction of a URL using the service and region variables.

  • service (str) – The service for the API calls
  • profile (str) – Specify the configuration profile name
  • region (str) – The AWS region to make requests to
  • access_key (str) – The access key
  • secret_key (str) – The secret access key
  • endpoint (str) – Override the base endpoint URL








fetch(method, path='/', query_args=None, headers=None, body=b'', recursed=False)[source]

Executes a request, returning an HTTPResponse.

If an error occurs during the fetch, we raise an HTTPError unless the raise_error keyword argument is set to False.

  • method (str) – HTTP request method
  • path (str) – The request path
  • query_args (dict) – Request query arguments
  • headers (dict) – Request headers
  • body (bytes) – The request body
  • recursed (bool) – Internally invoked if it’s a recursive fetch
Return type:








class tornado_aws.client.AsyncAWSClient(service, profile=None, region=None, access_key=None, secret_key=None, endpoint=None, max_clients=100, use_curl=False, io_loop=None)[source]

Implement a low level AWS client that performs the request signing required for AWS API requests.

AWSClient uses the same configuration method and environment variables as the AWS CLI. For configuration information visit the “Getting Set Up” section of the AWS Command Line Interface user guide.

When creating the AWSClient instance you need to specify the service that you will be interacting with. This value is used when signing the request headers and must match the service values as specified in the AWS General Reference documentation.

The AWS configuration profile can be set when creating the AWSClient instance or by setting the AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE environment variable. If neither are set, default will be used.

The AWS access key can be set when creating a new instance. If it’s not passed in when creating the AWSClient, the client will attempt to get the key from the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable. If that is not set, it will attempt to get the key from the AWS CLI credentials file. The path to the credentials file can be overridden in the AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE environment variable. Note that a value set in AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID will only be used if there is an accompanying value in AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable.

Like the access key, the secret key can be set when creating a new client instance. The configuration logic matches the access key with the exception of the environment variable. The secret key can set in the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable.

The endpoint argument is primarily used for testing and allows for the use of a specified base URL value instead of the auto-construction of a URL using the service and region variables.

max_clients allows for the specification of the maximum number if concurrent asynchronous HTTP requests that the client will perform.

  • service (str) – The service for the API calls
  • profile (str) – Specify the configuration profile name
  • region (str) – The AWS region to make requests to
  • access_key (str) – The access key
  • secret_key (str) – The secret access key
  • endpoint (str) – Override the base endpoint URL
  • max_clients (int) – Max simultaneous HTTP requests (Default: 100)
  • io_loop (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop) – Specify the IOLoop to use










fetch(method, path='/', query_args=None, headers=None, body=None, recursed=False)[source]

Executes a request, returning an HTTPResponse.

If an error occurs during the fetch, we raise an HTTPError unless the raise_error keyword argument is set to False.

  • method (str) – HTTP request method
  • path (str) – The request path
  • query_args (dict) – Request query arguments
  • headers (dict) – Request headers
  • body (bytes) – The request body
  • recursed (bool) – Internal use only
Return type:






